Concrete Demolition Contractors

Concrete demolition requires a lot of labor, cleanup, and heavy machinery and shouldn’t be undertaken alone. At Victory Outdoor Services, we have the tools and manpower necessary to break down and haul away your concrete driveway, walkway, or patio to make room for a new one. Contact us today for a free quote on concrete demolition.

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Concrete Demolition Costs

There are several variables that affect the cost of concrete removal. These include:

Total SquareFootage


Reinforced /Non-reinforced

Labor Costs

Transportation& Disposal Costs

Typically, the cost of demolition is rolled into the overall cost of the concrete installation project. However, if all you need is the concrete demolition, our experienced contractors will be happy to help! We can offer two separate quotes upon request.

How it works

Skid steer hauling concrete debris
Man in construction suit brushing concrete debris with a broom
Dumpster full of concrete debris


Whether you have a large or small job, utilizing the right tools and equipment can make your project go more quickly and smoothly. We typically use a combination of skid loaders to break up the old concrete and dump trucks to haul it away. On bigger projects, we may bring in a dumpster.


The old concrete is driven away and disposed of responsibly at recycling center facilities. As stained and painted concrete require special care and disposal requirements, we ensure there is no lead contaminiation from concrete demolition jobs.


Concrete demolition and removal can be a messy process even under the best of conditions, and not all companies will help with cleanup. But here ar Victory Outdoor Services, we will restore your job site with our quality removal services.

Contact Victory Outdoor Services for a free quote

Looking to add a unique touch to your home or business? Our custom concrete services allow you to create a one-of-a-kind design that is tailored to your specific needs and style. Contact us today to start your custom concrete project!